Friday, July 25, 2008

Third whip: core

The core is like the one in my second whip, only the lengths are different. I have four strands: 8ft, 4ft, 3ft and 2ft. Three shortest ones are loaded with chain. All strands have 25cm extra for the handle.

I attached the strands to the handle with artificial sinew so that the sinew runs about 5cm to the core. This time there is no swell in the transition. The strands start from the end of the handle so the thickness is same in both ends of the handle.

I taped everyhthing together with electric tape. (My flatmate was kind enoug to bring me dirt cheap tape from Biltema after I ran out. Hence the blue tape.) After taping I had an idea that I could try to twist the core into a more round shape before taping. It seems to twist a bit after taping anyway. I will try that next time.

I also left some cord after each chain so that the transition from one thickness to another wouldn't be so steep. This worked nicely and produced even taper to the whole core.

Third whip: handle

Before finishing the turk's heads for my second whip, I begin the next project. This will be 10 foot bullwhip in desert tan color.

For my hanle I chose this time something lighter. 6mm thick and 25cm long stainless steel with thread. I just sawed it and filed the end.

Second whip: The Thong

My second whip is almost ready. The handle was way too thick, my 12-plait was not enough to cover it fully. There is also a lump at the end of the handle. Too much sinew.

I used equal amounts of black and green cord for this. The lengths were (like in the tutorial) 720cm, 720cm, 540cm, 480cm, 420cm and 300cm. For this belly they seemed to be good lengths. The whip is 185cm long. Six-footer. The fall is single 70cm piece of paracord.

I don't quite like the look of the thing. I was hoping for something more lively. But it cracks well and that is the most important thing :) At least for now...

That's not me by the way...

Friday, July 18, 2008

Second whip: The Belly

The belly is now rolled. Transition between the handle and the belly has been tied with artificial sinew and taped. Ready for final plaiting.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

I bought a vice

I didn't like my plaiting's tendency to wander around the core, so I bought a vice form Clas Ohlson. Now my plaiting goes straight. A good purchase for 14,90€.

Second whip: The Belly

Like in the tutorial, I used four cords: 480cm, 480cm, 420cm and 300cm. Unlike in the tutorial, I ran out of cord every time about 30cm before I was supposed to. Therefore I dropped first two strands a bit before triple core changed into double and second two before double changed to single. Last four strands went just a short while over single core so now my braid ends about 100cm after the handle.

Next time I will add 100cm to all cords. Should be enough.

Also the handle is a bit lumpy. To my next whip I could try to get a bit more narrow handle core. There were gaps in my 8-plait in the handle. Also I will run the core cords all the way to the end of the handle so the thickness of the belly won't change in the handle.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Second whip: The Core

I begun constructing my second whip. Instead of galvanized spike that can't be found in local hardware stores, I used 20cm piece of metal bar that I found from local construction site. Diameter is about 12mm and weight 170g. I made a small taper to it using a saw and a file.

Just like in the tutorial, I have four pieces of paracord, 30cm, 60cm, 90cm and 180cm plus 15cm for the handle, loaded with 30cm, 60cm and 90cm of beaded chain. I placed them evenly around the handle and wrapped with artificial sinew. It's perfect stuff for this. I tied the other end to a bookshelf and winded the handle over the sinew for stronger grip. I finished with five overhand knots.

After that I added the bolster, using electric tape. Since electric tape has some tension when pulled tight, it tends to twist the core into a spiral. Just before taping I rotated the core a quarter turn to same direction I was taping. Then the tension of the tape pulled the core straight. Finally I added some more tape to the end of the handle for smoother taper.

And the result is satisfactory.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Next project

Since I'm happy with my first whip, it's a good time to start another. Fortunately I found an excellent site with nylon bullwhip tutorial. My next project will therefore be 6 foot bullwhip.

Nylon bullwhip tutorial

For this I have acquired more paracord (green this time), iron bar for the handle and more beaded chain for the core. I also ordered some artificial sinew (even more difficult to get than paracord) and I'm waiting for it to arrive.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

It cracks!

My first whip just returned from the test run. It cracks! It's sharp and pleasantly loud. Cattleman's crack seemed to work. Overhead crack ended up hitting me. I need thicker leather jacket. But I'm very happy with my first whip.

First whip ready

All right. It's six o'clock in the morning and my whip is ready.

Looks good. Much better than I thought possible for my first try. It's also smaller than I thought it would be. I have propably used something like 60 hours on this one. Even the keeper fits nicely. I was afraid that the loops were too big, but they seem to be just perfect.

Since it is morning, I guess I could go out and try it instead of going to bed...

First whip: thong, fall, cracker

Instead of sleeping, I made my whip.

Thong is 12-plaited, beginning with a keeper braid. The cords I used were 4 x 2,5m, 4 x 1,5m, 2 x 2m and 2x 1m. That's 22 meters in 6 pieces. One of 3 meter strips was desert brown. It made a nice figure but when the 1 meter part ran out, the rest of it was kind of lonely looking covering only one side. Thong is 130cm long.

The fall is 60cm long single paracord that has a loop in the end. It's been attached the way "How to make whips" suggests. Cracker is 20cm long, made out of single paracord inner strand. I'll replace it with a real cracker when I figure out what to use for one.